Thursday, August 12, 2010

Prayer Requests

Never quit praying.
1 Thessalonians 5:17

I have a few friends going thru some hard times.

I've watched my friend Jenn go thru a TON of stuff. I asked her to go to church with us one day and she's been going ever since. She still has rough times (as we all do) but the way she deals with them now is amazing! I still pray for her strength.

Another friend of mine and her husband need prayers. They've been having some issues in their marriage. I pray they have what it takes to make this work and forgive each other for everything they have put one another through for the past 9+ months.

A guy I went to school with was in an ATV accident and is in critical condition and has been thru 2 surgeries (that I know of) so far. I will continue to pray for him and his family.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Nest Shopping

This is the first house we went to look at together. We both really like it. It has charm and enough bedrooms :) I just pray that the right thing happens at the right time for us and I have faith that it will.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Pray it and get it

Because of this, I say to you, whatever you ask for when you
pray, have faith that you will receive it. Then you will get
it. Mark 11:24

This has been proven true, over and over.

Owen got hurt on Friday, June 4th. Our storm glass fell out of the screen door and cut his ankle/back of his leg. It bled a lot. At first, I called Jason. Then, I realized this injury was bad. I hung up and called 911 for the first time in my life. I held a cold, wet towel around his leg. I kept calm but was physically shaking on the inside...again, for the first time in my whole 30 years.

We left in the ambulance. Jason met us at the hospital. I knew he was going to need a good amount of stitches but I wasn't prepared for what they told us. They thought he may have cut some of his Achilles tendon. They called a surgeon who told them to loosely stitch it and splint it and we would see them on Monday. This was the longest weekend...of my life.

On Monday, we went to see the surgeon. Sure was in his future. Thursday, we would go in to have his tendon repaired. They didn't know how much damage there was, but knew there was damage.

Thursday we went to the hospital armed with my mom, Granny and my best friend. I was a wreck to say the least. I hated to see my baby hurt and scared. I hated the natural thoughts of "what if". What if something went wrong and I had to say goodbye to another child? (another post, some other time) While we were waiting, he drew this:

He played video games and had a great spirit the whole time.

Soon enough, it was Owen's turn to go back. We sat in the waiting room...nervous but all trying to stay strong in our own way. About an hour later, the doctor came down, they were casting his leg. The surgery was over. His tendon was cut through 100%

Now...we just hope for the best. Hope he can walk again. Hope he will heal. Prepare for anything.

A few appointments and 3 casts later

He is cast free and healing! No more cast. He starts therapy on Monday. 9 weeks of waiting and wondering and praying. We are still praying for a speedy recovery and positive physical therapy sessions but this is AMAZING, relieving news and we couldn't be happier!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Re-think the way you think

Do you ever get something in your email or read something someone else posts and you think to yourself "Wow. They must be talking to me!" I felt that way today when I read this that got sent to my email:

Proverbs 28:25 (NLT)
Greed causes fighting; trusting the Lord leads to prosperity.

I was looking at wedding stuff when I got some news I didn't expect to get and i automatically felt down and wondered how the heck we would be able to afford a wedding. Then I thought about how I'm wearing a temporary ring until we go ring shopping together.

Then the scripture came to my email and I knew it was meant for me today. I may not get a huge, amazing, perfect wedding. I may not get a million dollar ring. But I am marrying the man I am in love with, the man that God made for me. I will marry him in front of God. It's not about the dress, the pictures, how many people come or what my colors are. It's about our love and commitment to each other and putting God first in our union.

I'm still going to do all the fun things involved in bridal shows and cake tasting! I just have to! However, I know whatever kind of wedding I am supposed to have will happen and will be supplied to me and that is all that matters to me!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Purple, Navy and Green

We already picked out our colors. I get something in my mind and I can't rest until I feel right about it. Every combo I came up with didn't sit well. Until I seen these lovely colors together...Purple, Navy and Green. We knew we wanted green incorporated because it's both of our favorite color but I didn't want just green. It didn't seem "wedding-like".
I love purple. It's my second favorite color and it's Rae's second favorite too. (right after pink for her!) It also adds a romantic feel. The navy looks sophisticated and manly and sexy. The lime-ish green adds a "pop" and some fun and a bit of us!
I am very excited about the colors and felt very at ease after finding this and Jason likes it too which is a HUGE relief!
I've spent a little too much time on The Knot ;) Who would have thought, I would be such a girl!?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

He didn't go to Applebees alone

After our hike to the falls...we went to Applebees. In the parking lot, all the emotions caught up with me and we had to sit out in the car until I got myself back together!

Over dinner, we decided on a date. October 15, 2011. Plenty of time to plan and make sure we have the means to do what we want. We decided on a family only wedding and a big reception.

I will be spending the rest of my life with my soul mate. I am truly blessed.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

A picture is worth a thousand words

We went for a walk. We walked down to the falls. I found this. I almost cried. Of course I said yes.
Let the planning begin!